On April 4, 2015, CAYA Coven offered our very first
Rainbow Moon Circle—a full moon ritual celebrating the sacred expressions of gender diversity. Our Spring theme was The Journeying Moon—a time when the energies move us to stretch out of our wintery nooks and explore wider realms. For this endeavor, we called to Hindu deity, Hanuman, to guide us and protect us. His hybrid nature—part man, part monkey—and shape-shifting powers felt kindred to the intentions of our circle.
Lord Hanuman with mace and mudra of protection (photo by Lady Yeshe) |
The colorful altar included red flowers and fruits for Hanuman, and candles that have colored flames (photo by Lady Yeshe) |
We wrote on dissolving paper the things we were ready to release. The water was later poured into the receding tide of the ocean during a waning moon, with reverent prayers. (photo by Lady Yeshe) |
Sixteen beautiful people—representing a lush variety of genders and a CAYA spectrum ranging from founder to newbie—came together in the circle to sing, light candles, share stories, laugh, cry, trance, discover… These relatively common ritual elements framed a profoundly moving and rare opportunity. How many of us gender-variant Pagans have ever had the chance to recognize, acknowledge and respect this particular aspect of ourselves and each other in sacred space? When before did we look around a ritual circle and know that we were not the random or token (or shamefully secretive) non-cisgendered person in this group, but among kindred spirits who nod knowingly at our shared lived experience? It was a first for me. I felt a fierce love and protective impulse for this circle, and made a promise that I would do all I could to continue this work. I pray that moments like these will become less rare, that such circles will proliferate joyfully wherever people need them. Until then, feel free to see what we're up to at
The Rainbow Moon Circle, and make your calendars for our next ritual, August 29. Blessed be.
—Jaina Bee; e/em/eir