
Monday, November 11, 2013

Who we are

CAYA Coven's Beyond the Binary was established after the business meeting held at our annual coven retreat on September 21, 2013.

The consensus of that discussion was that a Genderqueer/Genderfluid group would form to explore practices and mythologies related to the experience of being Genderqueer/Genderfluid.  


And so came together the charter members of the Third Gender Circle. With great joy, we introduce ourselves:

Q'desha Yansumi Diwata
I am the High Priestess of Musical Ecstasy, ordained in two traditions within CAYA Coven - The Bloodroot Honey Priestess Tribe and the Wildflower Tradition. Among other things, I am a cisgendered, pansexual, woman of color.  It is my dedication to the Goddess Lilith and my work with Her that drives me to work with my fellow Priest/esses to help co-create sacred, safe spaces for all beings.

Gatekeeper Jey

Melissa ra Karit
I am a genderqueer Ordain in the Wildflower Tradition. I am the Priest/ess of the Body-Temple, holding the sacredness of our bodies as a central tenant of my spiritual practice and service. It is my hope and intention that we will co-create more spaces for trans* and other gender variant pagans.

owl of love  
As a bisexual being, i self-identify as genderqueer and genderfluid, driven on the dynamics of my partner(s) and those around me. Feminine & Masculine are both necessary and in a ratio that always is in flux. My hope & dream for us is to practice our unique ways of being in a safe space with generative, uplifting language while connecting with the Divine (Deity and mortal) all along the prisms of gender & sexuality.

Jaina Bee
I am an Ordain in CAYA's Wildflower Tradition, dedicated to Kuan Yin, Ganesh and Hermes. I see great potential in the concept of metagender. My privileged status as one who can be completely open and out about my gender identity and my Pagan spiritual practice keeps me ever mindful of the responsibility I have to serve those that cannot be so. May the Ancestors and Divine Ones guide my actions for the benefit of all beings.

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