
Sunday, April 29, 2018

Deity Profile: Phanes

As we develop a better sense of deities over time, we want to share our findings and encourage others to share their experiences as well. Though some of this information is taken from text sources in ancient Greece, much of it comes from my direct experiences with Phanes. If you have had different knowledge arise from your work with Phanes, please share in the comments!

Pantheon: Greek

Pronouns: He/His/Him or Ze/Zir/Zim or They/Their/Them

Original Text: Orphic Hymn to Phanes

Phanes is also found mentioned in a number of other myths. For example, in fleeing from an angry pursuer, Hermes disguises Himself as Phanes at one point.

Attributes: Creator, Parent, Intersex

Phanes is the first deity who is roughly similar to humans in the Orphic lineage. Ze remembers the beginning of the Universe, the wonder and joy of life sparking. Phanes is ancient, even more so than most of the deities I've worked with. This early Creator has a sense of largeness and of the quietness of the Universe before it was populated about Them.

Phanes is also the Father/Progenitor of Nyx. He fathered Darkness. He passes the royal scepter that symbolizes and bestows power down to a daughter. We can gain rich insights into Phanes when we consider what it means for a parent to willingly give power to a child, for a Father to give over power to His Daughter, for a Light bringer to cede power to the Night.

Phanes is, as the Orphic hymn says, “twofold.” Ze is the oldest deity of the Greek pantheon to be known as a hermaphrodite, though today we use the word intersex. The deity “from whom the race of gods and mortals springs” contains and encompasses male and female.

Offerings: myrrh, anything you make

Phanes' hymn begins, “fumigations from myrrh”. I have offered Him incense made from myrrh, and He seemed to enjoy that.

As a Creator deity, Phanes really loves offerings made by the one doing the offering. Creating art, song or dance would be a good offering. So, too, would be building something.

Trance: Receiving the Messages of Phanes

Using whatever visualization you usually use to enter trance (drifting down on a cloud, walking a descending spiral path...), enter a trance state.

Feel space open up around you. You are floating, weightless, in a vast darkness. Around you are the soft glow of distant stars. Breathe in the hugeness of the space around you. Take in the silence. Marvel at its beauty.

Slowly, become aware that there is another being approaching you. You can barely make out the outline of this being, only sense the great shifts in movement. You catch a glimpse of enormous wings, of a golden snake sliding over the shoulders and torso of this being. You feel the steadiness and intent of this being.

You are in the presence of Phanes.

Phanes begins to glow, emitting a soft light. Details become more distinct. You are caught by the majesty of Phanes' presence. You watch, mesmerized, as the light concentrates in Their hands, forming a ball. Phanes molds the ball carefully, then sends it spinning off into the darkness. You realize you are seeing the creation of a world.

With great reverence, you approach Phanes. You ask for Their wisdom. Listen close.

When you have received all that Phanes has to say, thank Them. Move away, until you are held once more in darkness. Let the message sink in. Slowly return to normal consciousness.

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